jax-ws web service does not work in websphere 8.5

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-05 10:51:33

Actually websphere 8.5 is Java EE 6 compliant which means that the container should scan the classpath of the web application to find @webservice annotated classes and deploy them as running web services.

However depending on the servlet specification you are using (given in the web.xml file) the scanning will not take place : it should automatically take place starting from version 2.5 of the specification.

For older web applications the Websphere solution is to put a special attribute in the MANIFEST.MF of the related war : the key is UseWSFEP61ScanPolicy and the value true. see here for more details.

The servlet 3.0 specification also has a parameter controlling the scanning (it is usually used to speed up the cold start initialization of the application). Putting metadata-complete="true" in the root tag of your web.xml 3.0 deployment descriptor will prevent the scanning to happen (and false enables it)

I was more or less running into the same issue you have, but on WAS 8.0.

Make sure that your web.xml is written for the Servlet 3.0 specification. I was using a web.xml for Servlet 2.4 and updating the version to 3.0 fixed the issue for me.

Hope this helps...

Faced similar problem with WAS8.5 It was due to annotation scanning done by both WAS and application. After disabling WAS annotation scanning with "DisableIBMJAXWSEngine" application is able to start.

DisableIBMJAXWSEngine: true

Make sure you java runtime and project facet are 1.6 if you are using WAS 8.0.
