How to convert vectors to arrays in ECLiPSe (CLP)? (or Prolog)

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-05 10:51:06

The easiest solution is to avoid the conversion altogether by writing your puzzle specification directly as a 2-D array. An ECLiPSe "array" is simply a structure with the functor '[]'/N, so you can write:

puzzle(P) :- P = [](



You can then use this 2-D array directly as the container for your domain variables:

sudoku(P) :-
    P[1..9,1..9] :: 1..9,

However, if you want to keep your list-of-lists puzzle specification, and convert that to an array-of-arrays format, you can use array_list/2. But since that only works for 1-D arrays, you have to convert the nesting levels individually:

listoflists_to_matrix(Xss, Xzz) :-
    % list of lists to list of arrays
    ( foreach(Xs,Xss), foreach(Xz,Xzs) do
        array_list(Xz, Xs)
    % list of arrays to array of arrays
    array_list(Xzz, Xzs).

As for the reason your own code didn't work: this is due to the subscript notation P[I]. This

  • requires P to be an array (you were using it on lists)
  • works only in contexts where an arithmetic expression is expected, e.g. the right hand side of is/2, in arithmetic constraints, etc.