Django show render_to_response in template

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-05 10:15:11

Well, it looks like your template is rendering fine. So you'll have to see if draft_list actually contained anything and what playernumber is for each object that was grabbed.

In the root directory of your project, run:

python shell

Now that you're in the shell, to test whether there are actually any Player objects in your database and see what the playernumber property of each object returns:

from acme.acmetest.models import Player
draft_list = Player.objects.all()
for draft in draft_list:
    print draft.playernumber

Make sure that makepick.hmtl is in your apps templates directory, or in your TEMPLATE_DIR.

You can check in your view to verify that Player.objects.all() is actually returning something. Make sure playernumber is an actual property of the Player object.
