Akka.net: Access remote Actors in Cluster

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-05 10:12:51

I thought I had location transparency on a Cluster and could reach remote resources as if they where local.

This is not so easy. Consider following scenario: What if you've created an actor on both nodes under the same path. If you'll try to use relative path - without showing which node you have in mind - which of the actor's should receive the message?.

Using basic cluster capabilities you can choose node easily using Context.ActorSelection(_cluster.ReadView.Members.Single(m => /* which node you want to choose */).Address + "/user/ConsoleReceiver");. Cluster extension gives you a read view data with info about all members visible from current node.

There are many ways to send message to another actor, without having to know on which node it lives.

First approach is to use Akka.Cluster.Tools cluster singleton feature - it allows you to create at most one instance of an actor present in the cluster. In case of node failures it will migrate to another node. Be aware that this solution shouldn't be used, if you want to have many actors working that way. It's more for distinct, special-case actors.

Second approach is to use Akka.Cluster.Tools Distributed Pub/Sub feature to broadcast cluster-wide events across actors in the cluster subscribed to specific topic without worrying of their actual location. This is good choice for message broadcasting scenarios.

Last approach is to use Akka.Cluster.Sharding feature which manages actors lifecycle automatically - you don't need to create actors explicitly - it's also able to route messages to them from anywhere in the cluster and can rebalance them across many cluster nodes when needed.
