I was going over some of the new JSON features and was wondering if there is a clever (or obvious) way to return a rowset as a JSON object. Ideally without having to name the keys or use any kind of string manipulation.
TABLE: people
id name age
1 bob 54
2 jay 32
3 john 10
SELECT * FROM people where id = 1
would return
Or even better
SELECT * FROM people
would return an array of all 3 objects
If you are not familiar with the new JSON features, one of the new functions is JSON_OBJECT
SELECT JSON_OBJECT('key1', 1, 'key2', 'abc')
would return a key value JSON object.
Depends on what you mean by "name the keys or any kind of string manipulation". If you're happy to encapsulate said naming of keys and string manipulation inside a stored proc so that you don't need to name keys when you're calling the procedure, then yes, you can:
drop procedure if exists spGetJson;
delimiter $$
create procedure spGetJson(pTableName varchar(45), pId int)
select group_concat(concat("'", COLUMN_NAME, "', ", COLUMN_NAME) separator ',')
into @cols
from information_schema.columns
where TABLE_NAME = pTableName and TABLE_SCHEMA = database();
set @q = concat('select json_object(', @cols, ') from ', pTableName);
if pId is not null then
set @q = concat(@q, ' where id = ', pId);
end if;
set @q = concat(@q, ';');
prepare statement from @q;
execute statement;
deallocate prepare statement;
end $$
delimiter ;
You could then call this proc using either:
call spGetJson('people', 1);
call spGetJson('people', null);