Combining timeout() with retryWhen()

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-05 08:24:43

The retryWhen operator works by re-subscribing to the chain of operators above it. Since you placed your timeout before it, said timeout is re-subscribed to and thus starts counting from the beginning again.

Placing the timeout after the retryWhen should apply a global timeout to the whole retriable flow.

As discussed I have written a test with RxJava2. The code was take from the book 'Reactive Programming with RxJava' (page 257)

private final static int ATTEMPTS = 10;

public void name() throws Exception {
    Subject<Integer> establishConnection = PublishSubject.create();
    TestScheduler testScheduler = new TestScheduler();

    Observable<Integer> timeout = establishConnection.
            retryWhen(failures -> failures
                    .zipWith(Observable.range(1, ATTEMPTS), (err, attempt) ->
                                // check here for your error if(...)

                                if (attempt < ATTEMPTS) {
                                    long expDelay = (long) Math.pow(2, attempt - 2);
                                    return Observable.timer(expDelay, TimeUnit.SECONDS, testScheduler);
                                } else {
                                    return Observable.error(err);
                    .flatMap(x -> x))
            .timeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS, testScheduler)
            .onErrorResumeNext(throwable -> {
                if (throwable instanceof TimeoutException) {
                    return Observable.just(42);
                return Observable.error(throwable);

    TestObserver<Integer> test = timeout.test();

    testScheduler.advanceTimeBy(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    establishConnection.onError(new IOException("Exception 1"));

    testScheduler.advanceTimeBy(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    establishConnection.onError(new IOException("Exception 2"));

    testScheduler.advanceTimeBy(31, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
