CKReference .DeleteSelf attribute has no effect

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-05 08:20:10

I just struggled with this one for a while and I thought I would share my findings...

It is fundamentally a permission issue. The cascading delete will only work if the user deleting the records has 'write' permissions to all the records needing to be deleted. So in the CloudKit Dashboard, the cascading delete will only work for the records created with the developer's iCloud account.

If you need to delete records that don't belong to the user deleting them, you can add 'write' permissions for a Record Type under Security.

If you are deleting via CloudKit Dashboard you have to wait before switching record types to check the other end of the reference. More than likely you switched before the delete actually happened. You can use Safari's Web Inspector on the Network tab to check when the delete has actually finished. It takes a very long time to delete multiple records.
