Enable mod_deflate to send Content-Encoding: gzip

可紊 提交于 2019-12-05 08:10:45

As I see the cause was already found. To further on help getting out of possible confusions:

  • mod_deflate despite its name is currently only supporting gzip.

  • gzip is more "effective" because of the following

deflate - despite its name the zlib compression (RFC 1950) should be used (in combination with the deflate compression (RFC 1951)) as described in the RFC 2616. The implementation in the real world however seems to vary between the zlib compression and the (raw) deflate compression[3][4]. Due to this confusion, gzip has positioned itself as the more reliable default method (March 2011).

gzip and zlib are file/stream formats that by default wrap around deflate and amongst other things add a checksum which make them more secure and a little slower. The increase in size on the other hand should not be of any concern.

Also see HTTP_compression - Wikipedia

See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_deflate.html for all the gory details -- are you sure you don't have occurrences of no-gzip elsewhere in the configuration? What happens as you vary your "browser", e.g. by using wget with various values for -U?

I suspect whatever you're using to test is not sending ...

Accept-Encoding: gzip

... in the request header.
