Can you add a function to a hijacked JavaScript Array?

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-05 07:18:24

Whatever your Array function/constructor is, the literal syntax for arrays will always generate "real" arrays with their [[prototype]] set to the native array prototype object (once, this was a security vulnerability). So, you can always access that by using


even if Array or [].constructor are hijacked. (Will of course not work when Object is hijacked, then it get's really complicated)

(Brought D.B. down!)

If you want to use a workaround, in FF the following line will always work (and is not hijackable):

[].__proto__.coolCustomFunction = coolCustomFunction;

Since Array is not necessarily equal to [].constructor, you could use [].constructor to refer to the original Array function since this is hardwired and Array = function(){} won't alter it.

Array = function () { alert("foo")};

// this will always point to the original Array
[] = "bar";

var myArray = [0, 1];
alert( // alerts "bar"

Yes ... you just did ... but you created the array using [] .. if you use new Array() it works fine ...

See example here
