
How do you resolve instances of IInterceptionBehavior from the container when using StructureMap DynamicProxyInterceptor?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-08 03:30:11
问题 I'm migrating from Unity to StructureMap. I've made some use of Unity's InterceptionBehavior. I thought I could switch that to use StructureMap .InterceptWith and the DynamicProxyInterceptor but my interceptors have dependencies and I can't work out how to compose the interceptors using StructureMap. var container = new Container(x => { x.For<IMathService>().Use<MathService>() .InterceptWith(new DynamicProxyInterceptor<IMathService>(new IInterceptionBehavior[] { // I WANT TO COMPOSE THESE

Can you add a function to a hijacked JavaScript Array?

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-07 04:02:55
问题 This question is related to What are the best practices to follow when declaring an array in Javascript? Let's say a client, let's call them "D. B. Cooper", has a first requirement that the following code must run before any other JavaScript code: Array = function(){ alert('Mwahahahaha'); }; Furthermore, Cooper requires that custom functions must be added to the built in Array object (not the hijacked one). For example, if Array was unhijacked, this would be done with: Array.prototype

Can you add a function to a hijacked JavaScript Array?

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-05 07:18:24
This question is related to What are the best practices to follow when declaring an array in Javascript? Let's say a client, let's call them "D. B. Cooper" , has a first requirement that the following code must run before any other JavaScript code: Array = function(){ alert('Mwahahahaha'); }; Furthermore, Cooper requires that custom functions must be added to the built in Array object (not the hijacked one). For example, if Array was unhijacked, this would be done with: Array.prototype.coolCustomFunction = function(){ alert('I have ' + this.length + ' elements! Cool!'); }; Which would afford: