Sort a QAbstractListModel derived model by role in QML ListView

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-05 07:00:05

If you enable QSortFilterProxyModel::setDynamicSortFilter(true), you need to call QSortFilterProxyModel::sort(...) function once to let the proxy know which way to sort.

With that, any time the model is updated the proxy will sort everything again just automatically.


First of all, There's no need for qobject_cast<QAbstractItemModel *> downcasting -- the NewModel is a derived class of the QAbstractItemModel and the polymorphism principle says that you can use a subclass everywhere where a parent class is applicable.

Second, your prepend method does not use beginInsertRows and endInsertRows. That's a violation of the MVC API. You'll get data corruption in the attached views and proxy models if you use it this way.

Third, you haven't mentioned whether you're actually using your proxy model as the model for the attached view :).

Finally, you are using QHash as a backing store of your data with QHash::iterator for insertion. That's an itneresting solution, but something which just cannot work -- an insertion or removal can cause the hash table to grow/shrink, which means changing all data you publish via your model indexes. This is just not going to work. Don't use QHash when you need a stable order. The O(n) complexity of your delta method should be interpreted as a warning; this is a wrong approach.

Have a Look at This project exposes the functionality of QSortFilterProxyModel nicely to QML. I used it in different projects and it junst worked. However if you want to implement your own solution it's something to get your ideas.
