difference between: [ScaffoldColumn (false)] and [Display (AutoGenerateField = false)]

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-05 06:33:19

The EditorForModel() and DisplayForModel() Html helper methods makes decision of rendering view of the properties of the current Model based on the ViewData.ModelMetadata. The default DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider sets the properties of ModelMetadata based on the DataAnnotation attributes.

ScaffoldColumnAttribute.Scaffold affects two properties of ModelMetadata i.e. 'ShowForDisplay' and 'ShowForEdit'.

DisplayAttribute does not affects the above two properties of ModelMetadata.

That is why these two attributes do not have the same effect on generating Html.

I also wanted to know the difference, the following is from MSDN - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd411771(v=vs.95).aspx

"AutoGenerateField - A value that indicates whether the field is included in the automatic generation of user-interface elements such as columns. This value is used by the DataGrid control."

From this it appears that this particular property is meant for DataGrid only.
