Rails Reserved Class Names

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-05 05:34:46

This page has a very long list of words not to use:


Because 'class' comes up very commonly as a name with metaprogamming, I think the accepted ruby alternative is 'klass'. This is obviously a different context from your graduating class situation, but maybe still helpful.

You've got most of them there. Obviously, you also need to avoid the Ruby keywords:

alias   and     BEGIN   begin   break   case    class   def     defined  
do      else    elsif   END     end     ensure  false   for     if  
in      module  next    nil     not     or      redo    rescue  retry  
return  self    super   then    true    undef   unless  until   when  
while   yield  

(from http://www.zenspider.com/Languages/Ruby/QuickRef.html#4).

Also, don't name a model Transaction (but the generator warns about that!).

Class is a built-in ruby class. It is what classes is an instance of.

class Foo

puts Foo.class
# => Class

Overriding that blows up the entire object structure in Ruby.
