How do you construct the union of two DFA's?

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-05 04:15:24

The key to understand is that you have to run the two DFAs simultanously, or in general you have to maintain the states of both DFAs in the union DFA.

That's why you have to create the new states for the union DFA as a direct multiplication of the original states. This way you have a state for every combination of the states in original DFAs.

The transition rules for the new DFA can be directly calculated then. For example if you are in state Ab, and you get a 0 on input, the first DFA would go to state B and the second one to state b, so the union DFA's next state for this input will be Bb.

This method works in every case when you need to make a union of two or more DFAs. The resulting DFA may not be optimal, but later you can minimize it with any algorithm you like.
