How do you reference external libraries with Jasmine + Resharper

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-05 03:59:02

It seems the way to go at the moment is hardcoding include statements as special comments in the suite file (called doc-comments references), e.g.:

// include external files like so:
/// <reference path="/path/to/external-file.js" />

// than write your testing suite as usual:
describe('a silly suite', function() {
    it('should test something is happening', function() {

See this thread on the ReSharper community, as the source of this recommendation.

I wrote 2 repos for dealing with ExtJS 4 for unit testing using Karma test runner/ Jasmine 1.x and 2.0 versions and dealing with Async Issues: here they are: and The trick to loading external references is to add them as files in your modules declaration.
