Visual Studio C++ link with psapi.lib

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-05 02:45:45

Method 1
If you want to compile from the command line with cl.exe you can use the /link option to specify linker options :

cl /TC program.c /link psapi.lib

Method 2
The following pragma directive causes the linker to search in your source file for the psapi.lib library while linking .

#pragma comment( lib, "psapi.lib" )

Possible reason for your errors can be, if psapi.lib is missing in a list of additional libraries of linker.
To resolve this, use the following /LIBPATH option :

cl /TC program.c /link Psapi.Lib /LIBPATH:C:\MyLibFolder\

Where C:\MyLibFolder specifies a path to the folder, that contains your psapi.lib .

Also, you can try to set the proper /SUBSYSTEM option .
For a Console application use :


Solution to similar problem here .

Example on using the GetModuleInformation function :

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>    
#include <psapi.h>
#pragma comment( lib, "psapi.lib" )

int main(void)
   MODULEINFO minfo = {0};  
   GetModuleInformation( GetCurrentProcess(), GetModuleHandle( "psapi.dll" ), &minfo, sizeof(minfo) );  
   /* printf("%X", minfo.lpBaseOfDll); /* The load address of the module */   
   return 0;

The code has been tested on Windows 7 and XP .
The output from linking session is :



Starting pass 1
Processed /DEFAULTLIB:uuid.lib

Searching libraries
    Searching C:\MyLibFolder\psapi.lib:
      Found _GetModuleInformation@16
        Referenced in program.obj
        Loaded psapi.lib(PSAPI.DLL)
        Referenced in psapi.lib(PSAPI.DLL)
        Loaded psapi.lib(PSAPI.DLL)
        Referenced in psapi.lib(PSAPI.DLL)
        Loaded psapi.lib(PSAPI.DLL)

If vsvars32.bat and all appropriate environment variables in your Visual Studio are set correctly the above linker options will produce a valid executable(.exe) file.
