Interesting operators in Haskell that obey modal axioms

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-05 01:30:35

Preliminary note: I apologise for spending a good chunk of this answer talking about Propositional Lax Logic, a topic you are very familiar with and not too interested in as far as this question is concerned. In any case, I do feel this theme is worthy of broader exposure -- and thanks for making me aware of it!

The modal operator in propositional lax logic (PLL) is the Curry-Howard counterpart of Monad type constructors. Note the correspondence between its axioms...

DT: x -> D x
D4: D (D x) -> D x
DF: (x -> y) -> D x -> D y

... and the types of return, join and fmap, respectively.

There are a number of papers by Valeria de Paiva discussing intuitionistic modal logics and, in particular, PLL. The remarks about PLL here are largely based on Alechina et. al., Categorical and Kripke Semantics for Constructive S4 Modal Logic (2001). Interestingly, that paper makes a case for the PLL being less weird than it might seem at first (cf. Fairtlough and Mendler, Propositional Lax Logic (1997): "As a modal logic it is special because it features a single modal operator [...] that has a flavour both of possibility and necessity"). Starting with CS4, a version of intuitionistic S4 without distribution of possibility over disjunction...

B stands for box, and D for diamond

BK: B (x -> y) -> (B x -> B y)
BT: B x -> x
B4: B x -> B (B x)

DK: B (x -> y) -> (D x -> D y)
DT: x -> D x
D4: B (B x) -> B x

... and adding x -> B x to it causes B to become trivial (or, in Haskell parlance, Identity), simplifying the logic to PLL. That being so, PLL can be regarded as a special case of a variant of intuitionistic S4. Furthermore, it frames PLL's D as a possibility-like operator. That is intuitively appealing if we take D as the counterpart to Haskell Monads, which often do have a possibility flavour (consider Maybe Integer -- "There might be an Integer here" -- or IO Integer -- "I will get an Integer when the program is executed").

A few other possibilities:

  • At a glance, it seems the symmetrical move of making D trivial leads us to something very much like ComonadApply. I say "very much like" largely due to the functorial strength of Haskell Functors, the matter being that x /\ B y -> B (x /\ y) is an awkward thing to have if you are looking for a conventional necessity modality.

  • Kenneth Foner's Functional Pearl: Getting a Quick Fix on Comonads (thanks to dfeuer for the reference) works towards expressing intuitionistic K4 in Haskell, covering some of the difficulties along the way (including the functorial strength issue mentioned above).

  • Matt Parsons' Distributed Modal Logic offers a Haskell-oriented presentation of intuitionistc S5 and an interpretation of it, originally by Tom Murphy VII, in terms of distributed computing: B x as a x-producing computation that can be run anywhere on a network, and D x as an address to a x somewhere on it.

  • Temporal logics can be related via Curry-Howard to functional reactive programming (FRP). Suggestions of jumping-off points include de Paiva and Eades III, Constructive Temporal Logic, Categorically (2017), as well as this blog post by Philip Schuster alongside this interesting /r/haskell thread about it.
