GWT 2.2 MVP vs. GWT 2.1 Activities-Places

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-05 01:11:41

First I would recommend you reading this:

MVP - is a design pattern which will help you separate logic from your UI to make it easier to Unit test. It's pretty much derived from the MVC pattern.

Activities - a concept in GWT analogous to the MVP pattern.

I think activities are a bit more intuitive than View-Presenters but not that much. You could look at this framework to assist you in using the MVP pattern (I greatly recommend it):


Places Activities is a framework provided by gwt for the MVP architecture. MVP is the concept, and one of the ways to do it is the places-activities framework. You should definitely try their new places- activities framework.

Before 2.1 (need to confirm), gwt just gave the architecture. you had to develop the framework.
