Mark a field “Read Only” with Data Annotations

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-05 00:36:51

Mark Property with ReadOnly attribute.

public decimal BodyMassIndex { get; private set; }

Follow below link for more Has the behavior for DataAnnotations in mvc 3 changed?

You have two options in general based on situation.

[Editable(false)] or [ReadOnly(true)]

Below are descriptions from MSDN


Specifies whether the property this attribute is bound to is read-only or read/write. Members that are marked with the ReadOnlyAttribute set to true or that do not have a Set method cannot be changed. Members that do not have this attribute or that are marked with the ReadOnlyAttribute set to false are read/write, and they can be changed. The default is No.


Indicates whether a data field is editable.

The presence of the EditableAttribute attribute on a data field indicates whether the user should be able to change the field's value. This class neither enforces nor guarantees that a field is editable. The underlying data store might allow the field to be changed regardless of the presence of this attribute.
