I installed oh-my-zsh as suggested in http://ohmyz.sh/. FYI,
[~]$ zsh --version
zsh 5.0.8 (x86_64-apple-darwin15.0)
[~]$ echo $SHELL
[~]$ ls .oh-my-zsh/
LICENSE.txt cache lib oh-my-zsh.sh templates tools
README.md custom log plugins themes
Only when I type "zsh" then I can see the oh-my-zsh prompt like:
[~]$ zsh
➜ ~
Also, I tried to change my default shell to zsh:
[~]$ chsh -s /bin/zsh
Changing shell for myUserName.
Password for myUserName:
chsh: no changes made
How can I use directly oh-my-zsh whenever I start mac terminal?
Not only in System Pref>User and Group>...>User profile's shell settings, but also in Mac's terminal>Preference>ChosenProfile>Shell section, I had to change /bin/bash to /bin/zsh. after that, it works! Thank you, @RemyJ!
You have to change the default shell to zsh.
To do so use the following command.
chsh -s /bin/zsh
restart your terminal
I took it from here.
These were the steps I followed when I installed zsh.
I hope it will help you as well.
Also, I tried to change my default shell to zsh: [~]$ chsh -s /bin/zsh
chsh -s $zsh
that worked fine for me