
Zsh detects insecure completion-dependent directories

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-02-15 11:24:42
问题 I get the following error messages when I open my terminal, Hyper: [oh-my-zsh] Insecure completion-dependent directories detected: drwxrwxr-x 7 dwaynethe2nd admin 224 Apr 25 15:00 /usr/local/share/zsh drwxrwxr-x 4 dwaynethe2nd admin 128 Apr 25 14:53 /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions 回答1: This is an issue with ZSH, your shell, not Hyper, your terminal. I actually had the same issue earlier today. There are some solutions in this issue on Github, and I will quote some of them here but I

ZSH 自动读取 macOS 系统代理配置并设置环境变量

假如想象 提交于 2021-02-12 08:43:53
更多奇技淫巧欢迎订阅博客:https://fuckcloudnative.io 前言 和其它 Linux 的 DE 一样,macOS 也支持在“系统偏好设置”中设置 HTTP 代理、HTTPS 代理,但是 macOS 并不会在终端(Terminal、iTerm)的 shell 中自动生效系统代理配置。为了方便日常使用,我决定好好研究一下 macOS 的系统代理。 1. macOS 系统代理的行为 和 Linux 和 Windows 只有一种系统代理配置不同,macOS 为每一种网络设备(Wi-Fi、Ethernet、Bluetooth PAN 等)维护了独立的网络配置,包括代理配置在内。因此当切换网络设备时,macOS 会使用不同的代理配置;如果同时连接了多个网络设备,则操作系统会优先采用在 和大部分 Linux 桌面环境一样,系统偏好设置中的代理设置在 shell session 中是不会生效的,在终端中使用代理、需要手动提供 HTTP_PROXY 、 HTTPS_PROXY 和 ALL_PROXY 环境变量。 2. 在终端获取 macOS 系统代理配置 macOS 内置了许多实用的命令行工具,如 xcode-select 用于安装命令行工具和配置 Xcode、 build_webkit 用于编译 WebKit、 softwareupdate 用于获取系统更新等

How do I yank into the system register from v-imode?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-05 06:37:45
问题 I'd like to yank text from a zsh command while in vi-mode with y and paste it into my web-browser/text-editor, etc. Currently it seems that yanking text while in vi-mode only allows pasting back into zsh- has anyone had success yanking into the system clipboard? 回答1: Create a widget that executes the internal vi-yank widget and copies the zle clipboard (current position in kill ring) to the X11 clipboard using xclip(1) : function vi-yank-xclip { zle vi-yank echo "$CUTBUFFER" | xclip -i }

How to install Powerline fonts on WSL?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-12-13 04:02:11
问题 I'm using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL 2) with Oh My Zsh to pimp my bash, but I can't make the Ubuntu terminal render the Powerline fonts properly. Any idea on how to set up WSL to work with these fonts? 回答1: I was installing the fonts in the Ubuntu system, but it is Windows that is rendering the characters from the terminal, so I should install the fonts on Windows (facepalm). I followed this blog post to install the Powerline fonts on Windows, and then I had to change the font in the

Git tab completion not working in zsh on mac

不问归期 提交于 2020-11-30 02:45:09
问题 No matter what I try and do I can't seem to make git tab/auto completion work in my zsh shell. I've downloaded the bash-completion script and the zsh-completion one and followed the instructions, but I can't make it work. I've reinstalled oh-my-zsh but that didn't seem to help or make any difference. Can anyone who's got it working describe to me their setup so I can try an emulate it to get it working for me? To be specific, what I've done so far is: Switched to using zsh as my default shell

Git tab completion not working in zsh on mac

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-11-30 02:44:23
问题 No matter what I try and do I can't seem to make git tab/auto completion work in my zsh shell. I've downloaded the bash-completion script and the zsh-completion one and followed the instructions, but I can't make it work. I've reinstalled oh-my-zsh but that didn't seem to help or make any difference. Can anyone who's got it working describe to me their setup so I can try an emulate it to get it working for me? To be specific, what I've done so far is: Switched to using zsh as my default shell