I need a Windows-compatible, square pixel font

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-04 21:45:57


The PC_CGA font looks like what you want.

Older versions of Windows use to ship with .FON files (pre-cursor to TTF). The FON's tended to be pretty basic looking. You probably want to find COURIER.FON.

Also, you could edit your own TTF, or make an existing TTF Monospaced. But you would have to find an editor for that.


Go to the bottom of that page. I did not try them all but the OEM Codepage 850 font seems to be what you want, and the others may work as well.

Something to look at might be "Proggy Square". One of the versions of that font, the ANSI/Bitmap one, has extended characters. Proggy Square and variants are available around the web at various places. As I understand it, they are free to use.
