lmerTest and lmer: Error message

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-04 21:32:46

sorry to post this as an answer, but I still do not have enough "reputation" to comment. I think it is a bug and/or depends on the data, because I have the same problem. I have a large dataset, and the model runs row-wise through it using a loop. Everything works perfectly for the first 26,478 tests (out of 34,713) but stops in the next cycle, with the same error. So:

1) it is not the version of the package, since it works perfectly for 3/4's of my dataset 2) it is not the sintax, since everything works fine in the first tens of thousands of models and an ANOVA I run previously against a null model.

My code is roughly:

for (i in 1:nrow(dataset)){
    lm.R<-lmer(response ~ treatment + (1|ran)+(1|rep), dataframe, REML= FALSE);

and I get the same error when i = 26479

Model is not identifiable...
Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "df",  : 
  length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent

My data is fine in that row (I doublechecked) and I cannot see any irregularity. Even the ANOVA against the null model (which I highly recommend you to do, since it gives you the p-value, loglike, AIB, etc. of your model) works perfectly.

lm.null<-lmer(response ~ 1 + (1|ran)+(1|rep), dataframe, REML= FALSE);
lm.R<-lmer(response ~ treatment + (1|ran)+(1|rep), dataframe, REML= FALSE);