Determine whether UIView is covered by other views?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-04 20:08:45

Conceptually, you want to iterate down the stack, unioning the paths of the cards into an accumulated path, and then checking that union path for equality with the next union path. In other words, if adding the next path down doesn't change the union path, then it must be completely obscured, and can therefore be removed. It might look something like this:

UIBezierPath* accumulator = nil;
for (UIView* cardView in [[[containingView subviews] copy] reverseObjectEnumerator])
    UIBezierPath* p = GetPathForView(cardView);
    UIBezierPath* next = PathByUnioningPaths(p, accumulator);

    if ([next isEqual: accumulator])
        // This view is completely obscured, remove it
        [cardView removeFromSuperview];

    accumulator = next;

This, of course, presumes the existence of the functions GetPathForView and PathByUnioningPaths. The former will be yours to write, based on however you create your card views. The latter will require some sort of bezier path boolean operation library. I found this one, which seems to have a fair bit of traction:
