Phpmailer use dkim

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-04 19:45:26

For anybody who is trying to set this up, I've just 'resolved' the PHPMailer DKIM issue, which in effect allows the DKIM signature to be "" by following the steps below:

  1. Create Keys
    I used to create the necessary keys. Take the raw private key and paste everything from --BEGIN to END-- and save it to a .txt file named private.key (without the *.txt).

    I did the same thing with the public key, for a personal backup copy(in case I need to retrieve it later) and saved it as public.key. ~again this is just for a backup copy.

  2. Add Files
    Take the two files that you just created and add them to your server/site, for example in the Apache > Conf folder.

  3. Add TXT Record to your domains DNS settings
    Using the Public Key, you will need to create a TXT Record in your domains DNS settings. The public keys going to look something like this:;p=EBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC2uPmYVUJZvxxoYQqyygJMP0jqRKQLJ2QRN1k1HLrNCc13yK7ReDY3KmuZH+pgUNzXpfKHz0PGVLTMUAKpsqAPtkMfll8DSZawrFrny/jQIzEc03gTrEKCwp/k0iaL/Pwcha7pZEiN+wIDA

The Host Name: 1450071.mydomain._domainkey

The Value: v=DKIM1;p=EBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC2uPmYVUJZvxxoYQqyygJMP0jqRKQLJ2QRN1k1HLrNCc13yK7ReDY3KmuZH+pgUNzXpfKHz0PGVLTMUAKpsqAPtkMfll8DSZawrFrny/jQIzEc03gTrEKCwp/k0iaL/Pwcha7pZEiN+wIDA

The TTL: 1 Hour(3600)

4. Add the following DKIM lines to PHPMailer *after the setFrom

$mail->setFrom($from, $from_name);


$mail->DKIM_domain = '';
$mail->DKIM_private = 'path/to/your/private.key>';
$mail->DKIM_selector = '1450071.mydomain'; //Prefix for the DKIM selector
$mail->DKIM_passphrase = ''; //leave blank if no Passphrase
$mail->DKIM_identity = $mail->From;

Final result: Success!

i've solved by adding $mail->Encoding = "base64"; To phpmailer array.
