Highcharts charts on a page not rendering correctly when output to PDF using wkhtmltopdf

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-04 19:31:53

There is reported an issue on wkhtmltopdf which is very similar to your case. See issue 689. Wkhtmltopdf doesn't handle transparency/shadows properly and can result in unpredictable results.

Remove all stroke-opacity attributes in the svg and replace them with the opacity attribute, before you send it to wkhtmltopdf. This piece of code will do the trick.

nodes = document.querySelectorAll('*[stroke-opacity]');

for (nodeIter = 0; nodeIter < nodes.length; nodeIter += 1) {
    elem = nodes[nodeIter];
    opacity = elem.getAttribute('stroke-opacity');
    elem.setAttribute('opacity', opacity);

try passing option javascript-dealy

wkhtmltopdf --quiet --page-size letter --encoding UTF-8 --javascript-dealy 5000 - -

or if you are using pdfkit gem/library try adding below line in html code

 <meta content="5000" name="pdfkit-javascript-delay"/>