Is it possible to validate JSON with an XSD in Java? I have an application where I receive JSON response, and I would like to validate it against existing XSD. Another part of my application uses XML, which is why it would be easiest if they both could validate against the existing XSD.
No, XML Schema (XSD) is for validating XML; to validate JSON, see JSON Schema.
I recommend generating schemas by hand for full understanding and full control over the constraints. However, here are some automated tools that can jumpstart the process:
- To convert from JSON Schema to XSD, see jsons2xsd.
- To convert from XSD to JSON Schema, see Jsonix Schema Compiler.
Related and also very useful:
- To parse from XML to JSON (unmarshal) or serialize JSON to XML (marshal), see JSONIX.
- For a list of implementations, including validators in various languages, see JSON-Schema Implementations.
No, the standards are different between the two.
But if you really want to rely on the xsd for validating, Jsonix Schema Compiler can help you generate a JSON Schema to validate your json from your XML Schema.