Cocos2D-x - Issues when with using CCFollow

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-04 18:26:42

ССFollow is often not enough for your own purposes. One way out of this situation is to create your custom ССFollow action or adding the required logic in the game loop.

Please read this article, there's a lot of useful information for your question:
The Four Ways of Implementing a Scrolling View with Cocos2D Explained

It could be that you are instantiating CCFollow before the VisibleBoundsWorldspace of your layer is set to the view width and height (check in a debugger if the VisibleBoundsWorldspace rect has zero width and height).

RunAction(new CCFollow(yourNode, CCRect.Zero));

Shouldn't be in the Layer constructor, somewhere like AddedToScene will work better.
