ASP.NET MVC Authorization based on role membership or data relation (ownership)

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-04 18:18:39

I was able to use the Dynamic Linq extensions from the VS2008 samples to do this in a pretty reasonable fashion. Here's the code representing the second pseudocode sample from above. It passes my initial unit test, but I'll need to make it more robust.


[RoleOrMemberAuthorization( UserTable = "Participants",
                            UserNameProperty = "UserName",
                            UserSelectionProperty = "ParticipantID",
                            JoinTable = "GroupLeaders",
                            EntityProperty = "GroupID",
                            UserEntityProperty = "ParticipantID",
                            RouteParameter = "id",
                            Roles = "SuperUser, ViewGroups" )]

Called as:

else if (IsRelated( filterContext,
                    this.GetTable( dc, this.JoinTable ), 
                    this.GetTable( dc, this.UserTable ) ))
    SetCachePolicy( filterContext );

Relevant source:

protected bool IsRelated( AuthorizationContext filterContext,
                          IQueryable joinTable,
                          IQueryable userTable )
    bool result = false;
        object entityIdentifier = filterContext.RouteData
        object userIdentifier = this.GetUserIdentifer( filterContext, userTable );
        if (userIdentifier != null && entityIdentifier != null)
            result = joinTable.Where( this.EntityProperty + "=@0 and "
                                      + this.UserEntityProperty + "=@1",
                                      userIdentifier )
                              .Count() > 0;
    catch (NullReferenceException) { }
    return result;

private object GetUserIdentifer( AuthorizationContext filterContext,
                                 IQueryable userTable )
    string userName = filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;

    var query = userTable.Where( this.UserNameProperty + "=@0", userName )
                         .Select( this.UserSelectionProperty );

    object userIdentifer = null;
    foreach (var value in query)
        userIdentifer = value;
    return userIdentifer;

private IQueryable GetTable( DataContext context, string name )
    PropertyInfo info = context.GetType().GetProperty( name );
    if (info != null)
        return info.GetValue( context, null ) as IQueryable;
        return null;