HTTPERR log: Request_Cancelled (while troubleshooting WCF service)

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-04 17:00:52

Request_cancelled might be a timeout.

By default it should be

OpenTimeout - 1 minute
CloseTimeout - 1 minute
SendTimeOut - 1 minute
ReceiveTimeout - 10 minute.

Try set these settings in your web.config. It will add further logging to your web service.

At your system.serviceModel section



      <messageLogging logEntireMessage="true" logMalformedMessages="true" logMessagesAtServiceLevel="true" logMessagesAtTransportLevel="true" maxMessagesToLog="3000" />


and add system.diagnostics section. It will save a log to c:\temp\wcfServiceLog.svc

      <add name="XmlSerialization.Compilation" value="4"/>
      <source name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Information, ActivityTracing" propagateActivity="true">
          <add name="xml" />
      <source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging">
          <add name="xml" />
      <add name="xml" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData="c:\temp\wcfServiceLog.svc" />