Get Image File Information using MediaInfo library in Inno Setup Pascal Script

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-04 16:39:21

You can use the MediaInfo Command Line Interface with Inno Setup Ansi or Unicode Version.

Usage Example:

Source: MediaInfo.exe; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: Dontcopy

function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
   ErrorCode: Integer;
   ShellExec('Open', 'MediaInfo.exe', ExpandConstant('"YourFileName.mp4" --LogFile="YourFileName Prperties.log"'), ExpandConstant('{tmp}'), SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ErrorCode);
   if SysErrorMessage(DLLGetLastError) = SysErrorMessage(0) then
   Result := True;  

Now, navigate to the Inno Setup Temporary Directory as Administrator using Run (Windows Key + R) Command and see your Media Information Log File exists there which contains the Information about the File you given in the Command.

I do not think you can call a function that returns a pointer to a string (character buffer) from Inno Setup Pascal Script.

But you can hack it like this:

  • Declare the function as if it returns Cardinal;
  • Use some available function that takes a pointer and copies it to another pointer. Declare the source pointer as Cardinal and the target pointer as string. One such function is the StrCpyN.
function MediaInfo_Get(
  Handle: Cardinal; StreamKind: Integer; StreamNumber: Integer;
  Parameter: string; KindOfInfo: Integer; KindOfSearch: Integer): Cardinal;
  external 'MediaInfo_Get@{tmp}\MediaInfo.dll stdcall delayload';

function StrCpyN(S1: string; S2: Cardinal; Max: Cardinal): Cardinal;
  external 'StrCpyNW@shlwapi.dll stdcall';
  P: Cardinal;
  S: string;
  P := MediaInfo_Get(IHandle, StreamKind_Image, 0, 'Width', InfoKind_Text, InfoKind_Name);
  S := StringOfChar(' ', 1024);
  StrCpyN(S, P, Length(S) - 1);
  S := Trim(S);

The code requires Unicode Inno Setup (the only version as of Inno Setpu 6).
