What are the possible Amazon MWS Report column headers after last localization?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-04 15:49:51


I'm struggling with the following problem:

I want to import a merchants active listings from a _GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DATA_ report, no drama so far. But depending on the merchants locale, the report column headers are different.
In my quest to support all possible merchant locales, this is not acceptable.

I am pretty sure, there is no official resource, that specifies all possible header translations. If there is, I would be glad to learn about it.
My other hope is, that some fellow developers with access to merchants of one of the unknown regions can request a report and paste its headers here, so I can implement the handling in my software properly.

Side Notes:
Other report types are affected, too.
The column ordering is also sometimes different (france), but that's not an issue.

My compiled list for en / untranslated and de

Old headers, consistent for every merchant language:

New german (de) headers:
listing-id = Angebotsnummer
item-name = Artikelbezeichnung
seller-sku = Händler-SKU
asin1 = Produkt-ID
item-description = Artikelbeschreibung

New french (fr) headers:

listing-id = unknown
item-name = unknown
seller-sku = unknown
asin1 = unknown
item-description = unknown

new italian (it) headers:

listing-id = unknown
item-name = unknown
seller-sku = unknown
asin1 = unknown
item-description = unknown

new spanish (es) headers:

listing-id = unknown
item-name = unknown
seller-sku = unknown
asin1 = unknown
item-description = unknown

Related SO question: Amazon MWS: How to specify the language of _GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DATA_
Related Amazon Announcment: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/forums/ann.jspa?annID=160


You can find the translations of the _GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DATA_ headers at the following link (this link is for DE marketplace):


By changing the &language=de_DE to say, &language=fr_FR, you can get the French translations. Same goes for Italian (it_IT), etc.

