Compiling Objective-C app for Linux (API coverage)

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-04 14:57:32

An opinion: The risk is fairly high. GNU Step is an open source project and dependant on its volunteers to keep it up to date. OS X Lion has a small number of additions to Foundation and AppKit.

Your best option if you want it for *nix in the future will be to write it in generic C/C++ and then thinly wrap it in an NSTask if you want a GUI.

You should be able to check if the API's you're using are available by consulting the GNUStep base API docs.

You may want to target GNUStep as your base if compatibillity is a big concern. Compiling for mac should then be rather trivial, compared to moving the code the other way. Of course you always have the option of helping inplement whatever is missing from GNUStep too.
