The Email-ext of Jenkins allows you to write a Jelly email template. How do you write and test one without triggering a build every time? Basically, I'm looking for a 1 second iteration where I can modify a Jelly script, hit refresh on a browser, and it will automatically render the template based upon a hard-code project and build result.
Open Jenkins script console at _http://server/script/ (Stackoverflow is having issues saving an edit when this is an actual URL).
Enter the following code and replace your-project-name
with the name of your project and me@me.com
with your email address:
import hudson.model.StreamBuildListener
import hudson.plugins.emailext.ExtendedEmailPublisher
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
def projectName = "your-project-name"
def project = Jenkins.instance.getItem(projectName)
def testing = Jenkins.instance.copy(project, "$projectName-Testing")
def build = project.lastUnsuccessfulBuild
// see the <a href="http://javadoc.jenkins-ci.org/hudson/model/Job.html#getLastBuild()" title="Job" target="_blank">javadoc for the Job class</a> for other ways to get builds
def baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
def listener = new StreamBuildListener(baos)
testing.publishersList.each() { p ->
if(p instanceof ExtendedEmailPublisher) {
// modify the properties as necessary here
p.recipientList = 'me@me.com' // set the recipient list while testing
// run the publisher
p.perform((AbstractBuild<?,?>)build, null, listener)
// print out the build log from ExtendedEmailPublisher
println(new String( baos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8" ))
if (testing != null)
SOURCE: https://earl-of-code.com/2013/02/prototyping-and-testing-groovy-email-templates/
There is also an issue that tracks making this easier:
JENKINS-9594 - Should be able to send test e-mail based on previous build
There is now an option to test templates against builds in the more recent versions of the plugin. When you are on a job's screen, there should be a link on the left side that says Email Template Testing. It will let you select a build to test again and it will render the template right there.