How does the automatic full qualification of class names work, in Python? [relevant to object pickling]

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-04 11:31:34

When your classes are defined in your main module, that's where pickle expects to find them when they are unpickled. In your first case, the classes were defined in the main module, so when loader runs, loader is the main module and pickle can't find the classes. If you look at the content of obj.pickle, you'll see then name __main__ exported as the namespace of your C and D classes.

In your second case, imports itself. Now you actually have two separate sets of C and D classes defined: one set in __main__ namespace and one set in dumper namespace. You serialize the one in the dumper namespace (look in obj.pickle to verify).

pickle will attempt to dynamically import a namespace if it is not found, so when runs pickle itself imports and the dumper.C and dumper.D classes.

Since you have two separate scripts, and, it only makes sense to define the classes they share in a common import module:

class D(object):

class C(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.d = D()

import pickle

with open('obj.pickle','rb') as f:
    obj = pickle.load(f)

print obj

import pickle
from common import C

with open('obj.pickle','wb') as f:

Note that even though dumps C() in this case pickle knows that it is a common.C object (see obj.pickle). When runs, it will dynamically import and succeed loading the object.

Here is what happens: when importing dumper (or doing from dumper import C) from within, the whole program is parsed again (this can be seen by inserting a print in the module). This behavior is expected, because dumper is not a module that was already loaded (__main__ is considered loaded, however)–it is not in sys.modules.

As illustrated in Mark's answer, importing a module naturally qualifies all the names defined in the module, so that self.d = D() is interpreted as being of class dumper.D when re-evaluating file (this is equivalent to parsing, in Mark's answer).

Thus, the import dumper (or from dumper import C) trick is explained, and pickling fully qualifies not only class C but also class D. This makes unpickling by an external program easier!

This also shows that import dumper done in forces the Python interpreter to parse the program twice, which is neither efficient nor elegant. Pickling classes in a program and unpickling them in another one is therefore probably best done through the approach outlined in Mark's answer: pickled classes should be in a separate module.
