Secure 2 different web applications with one identify service

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-04 11:23:20

I found a way to do this using pure SAML tokens. The trick is you need to create a delegation account in Identity Server to allow your web app to delegate identity to a specific realm (where your service lives). Then in the web app you make a service call using the the token that the user already has to get a new token which you use to access your service.

I asked a very similar question and answered it myself here.

Mohammad Sepahvand

Ok. I did eactly the same thing just now. Everything required to get that done is written here. If you're using IdentityServer, you need to configure the Token Type of your RP to be JWT:

this allows you to later extract the token from your authenticated MVC 5 application (see the link above to see how to do this) and then send that token to your Web API. You then need to tell you web api to accept that token, using Microsoft's JwtSecurityTokenHandler class. This class has a ValidateToken() method which accepts 2 parameters, the first being the access token that you put into your auth headers of the requests to the Web API, and the second, the validation parameters are basically what you've defined in IdentityServer's config:
validationParams = new TokenValidationParameters

                AllowedAudiences = _allowedAudiencesAndSigningKeys.Select(x => x.Key),
                ValidIssuer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IssuerIdentity"],
                ValidateIssuer = true,
                SigningTokens = _allowedAudiencesAndSigningKeys.Select(x => new BinarySecretSecurityToken(Convert.FromBase64String(x.Value)))

The Audience(s)/Realm(s) you want to allow access to, the issuer name (your Identity Server name) and the signing symmetric key(s) of the applications you have defined in Identity Server and want to grand access to. The ValidateToken() method returns an ClaimsPrincipal with a list of the claims extracted from the token. The code to do all this can be put in a message handler:

public static void Configure(HttpConfiguration config)
    var authNConfig = new AuthenticationConfiguration();
    config.MessageHandlers.Add(new MyTokenValidationHandler());