Stereographic Sun Diagram matplotlib polar plot python

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-04 10:59:47

I finally had time to play around with matplotlib. After much searching, the correct way as Joe Kington points out is to subclass the Axes. I found a much quicker way utilising the excellent basemap module.

Below is some code I have adapted for stackoverflow. The sun altitude and azimuth were calculated with Pysolar with a set of timeseries stamps created in pandas.

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import numpy as np

winterAzi = datafomPySolarAzi
winterAlt = datafromPySolarAlt

# create instance of basemap, note we want a south polar projection to 90 = E
myMap = Basemap(projection='spstere',boundinglat=0,lon_0=180,resolution='l',round=True,suppress_ticks=True)
# set the grid up
gridX,gridY = 10.0,15.0
parallelGrid = np.arange(-90.0,90.0,gridX)
meridianGrid = np.arange(-180.0,180.0,gridY)

# draw parallel and meridian grid, not labels are off. We have to manually create these.

# we have to send our values through basemap to convert coordinates, note -winterAlt
winterX,winterY = myMap(winterAzi,-winterAlt)

# plot azimuth labels, with a North label.
ax = plt.gca()
for para in np.arange(gridY,360,gridY):
    x= (1.1*0.5*np.sin(np.deg2rad(para)))+0.5
    y= (1.1*0.5*np.cos(np.deg2rad(para)))+0.5
    ax.text(x,y,u'%i\N{DEGREE SIGN}'%para,transform=ax.transAxes,horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center')

# plot the winter values
myMap.plot(winterX,winterY ,'bo')

Note that currently I am only plotting points, you will have to make sure that line points have a point at alt 0 at sunrise/sunset.
