Make DIV invisible in CSS and JavaScript

孤人 提交于 2019-12-04 10:22:35


I have managed to make a DIV tag invisible in JavaScript by setting the display to none and the visibility to hidden. It can be achieved with this class also:

.invisible {
    display: none;
    visibility: hidden;

Display none will ensure the DIV box is empty, and visibility hidden will ensure it isn't visible. The problem with this method is when I have scrollable DIVs or textareas with overflowing content, when you set display: none, some browsers will forget the scroll position for these elements. Is there a better way to make a DIV invisible without using the display property? I would rather not resort to using JavaScript to record the scroll position and such if possible.


I managed to solve it with your help, I applied the following:

.invisible {
    visibility: hidden;
    position: absolute;
    top: -9999px;

.visible {
    visibility: visible;
    position: static;

I tried left: -9999px, but this expands the vertical scrollbar in IE... I also wrapped my textarea in another DIV and applied the visible/invisible styles to that, because the textarea would lose its scroll position otherwise. I tested this in Chrome, Firefox, IE and Safari on my iPhone. Just a note, the DIV wrapped around the textarea didn't seem to help in FF, and the scrollbar still reset. But the scrollable DIVs are fine now. Thanks for your help!


This would probably work:

.invisible {
    position: absolute;
    left: -9999px;

EDIT: I would take a look at the common helpers in the HTML5 Boilerplate code to explore other ways of making things disappear.


You can just use visibility:hidden if you want the element to be invisible but still rendered. display:none will remove it entirely and cause the scroll behavior you mentioned.


You can use a JQuery hide() method. $('#DivID').hide(); or $('.DivClass').hide();


You can use jQuery to acheive the solution. If you want to totally hide/show the div, then u can use:


And if you want that your div become invisible and its still existing in the page, then you can use efficient trick:

$('#my_element').css('opacity', '0.0');  // invisible Maximum
$('#my_element').css('opacity', '1.0');  // visible maximum


Layout-wise, display:none takes it completely out of the rendering tree and into this netherworld limbo. It has no well-defined dimensions or position anymore.

If you need some placeholder for scroll position, I'd suggest using a placeholder element. Some zero-height DIV or maybe even an <a name="something""></a> would work.


I rather use a fixed height and width (height:0; width:0;). Don't forget to eliminate borders, paddings and margins.

