AndEngine Sprite/Box2D Body removal crashes my program with no error/exception information?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-04 10:15:08

After googling about box2D and sprite/body removal it turns out you can't remove a sprite/body from the contactListener, but what you can do is set a flag in either the body or sprite to delete it and check for these flags in a seperate update method outside the contactListener. I did this by making a single 'makeUserData' method to create a JSONObject with the sprite/body/type and additionally a boolean 'deleteStatus' that determines if it flagged for deletion:

private JSONObject makeUserData(int type, Body body, Object sprite)
    JSONObject myObject = new JSONObject();

    try {
        myObject.put("type", type);
        myObject.put("sprite", sprite);
        myObject.put("body", body);
        myObject.put("deleteStatus", false);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        Log.d(TAG,"Exception creating user data:"+e);
    return myObject;

Then instead of calling destroyObstruction() after collision I call this method i created to set the flag for deletion within the body to true:

private void setForDestruction(Body myBody) throws JSONException
        ((JSONObject)myBody.getUserData()).put("deleteStatus", true);


Then in a seperate update handler (I had one in my onLoadScene method already to update the score) I added a call to another method I made to iterate through the bodies in my physics world looking for this flag:

 this.mScene.registerUpdateHandler(new IUpdateHandler() {
        public void reset() { }

        public void onUpdate(final float pSecondsElapsed) {
            //update the players score

            //update the text on the screen
            playerScoreText.setText( "Score: "+PLAYER_SCORE);               

            //remove any sprites flagged for deletion
            }catch(Exception e)
                Log.d(TAG,"Exception removing objects from update:"+e);
            catch(Error e)
                Log.d(TAG,"Error removing objects from update:"+e);


And here is the removeObjectsSetForDestruction method:

private void removeObjectsSetForDestruction()
        Iterator<Body> allMyBodies = this.mPhysicsWorld.getBodies();//gets all the bodies in my physics world
        boolean isDelete = false;
        JSONObject currentBodyData;
             try {
//this code is in a try/catch bracket because some of my bodies don't have the extra data attached
                 currentBodyData = (JSONObject);//gets the next JSONOBject from the body
                     isDelete = (Boolean) currentBodyData.get("deleteStatus");
                        destroyObstruction((Body) currentBodyData.get("body"));
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                Log.d(TAG,"Error getting world bodies data:"+e);

EDIT: The AndEngine wiki on box2D explains pretty well how the world physics calculation is fragile so you need to be really careful when adding/deleting/moving bodies as in some places it could happen at the same time as the world physics calculation, which eventually causes the program to crash. It also outlines a solution which is to place the code into 'this.runOnUpdateThread'. So for example in my code when I added an obstruction sprite in my code (they are added from a CountDownTimer so the chances that they could be added at the same time as world step calculation is likely) I wrapped it in a thread:

private void addObstruction(final float pX, final float pY) {

    runOnUpdateThread(new Runnable() {

    public void run() {
        final Body body;
        final Sprite myObstruction;

        myObstruction = new Sprite(pX, pY-mCrateTextureRegion.getHeight(), mCrateTextureRegion);

        body = PhysicsFactory.createBoxBody(mPhysicsWorld, myObstruction, BodyType.DynamicBody, OBJECT_FIXTURE_DEF);
        mPhysicsWorld.registerPhysicsConnector(new PhysicsConnector(myObstruction, body, true, true));


        myObstruction.registerUpdateHandler(new IUpdateHandler() {

            public void reset() {


            public void onUpdate(float pSecondsElapsed) {
                    runOnUpdateThread(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        final Vector2 velocity = Vector2Pool.obtain(-10f, 0f);


        //attach our Obstruction to the scene



I've used these threads in most places I do code with bodies and I can confirm this stopped my random crashes :)
