I implemented the Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm, according to wikipedia, in Python, but it isn't working. The algorithm is quite short and I cannot find any difference, so I cannot tell why it isn't working. I tried to check the original paper, but could not find it.
Here is the code.
def strongConnect(v):
global E, idx, CCs, c, S
idx[v] = (c, c) #idx[v][0] for v.index # idx[v][1] for v.lowlink
c += 1
for w in [u for (v2, u) in E if v == v2]:
if idx[w][0] < 0:
# idx[w] = (idx[w][0], min(idx[v][1], idx[w][1])) #fixed, thx
idx[v] = (idx[v][0], min(idx[v][1], idx[w][1]))
elif w in S:
idx[v] = (idx[v][0], min(idx[v][1], idx[w][0]))
if (idx[v][0] == idx[v][1]):
i = S.index(v)
S = S[:i]
E = [('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C'), ('C', 'D'), ('D', 'E'), ('E', 'A'), ('A', 'E'), ('C', 'A'), ('C', 'E'), ('D', 'F'), ('F', 'B'), ('E', 'F')]
idx = {}
CCs = []
c = 0
S = []
for (u, v) in E:
idx[u] = (-1, -1)
idx[v] = (-1, -1)
for v in idx.keys():
if idx[v][0] < 0:
You can check the graph visually if you prefer. As you can see this is a quite forward translation of the pseudocode in wikipedia. However, this is the output:
[['D', 'E', 'F'], ['B', 'C'], ['A']]
There should be only one strongly connected component, not three. I hope the question is right in all its aspects, if not I'm sorry. In any case, thank you very much.
Ok, I had some more time to think about this. I'm no longer certain that filtering the edges was the problem, as I previously stated. In fact, I think there's an ambiguity in the pseudocode; does for each (v, w) in E
mean for each edge (as the literal meaning of for each
suggests), or only each edge beginning with v
, (as you reasonably assumed)? Then, after the for loop, is the v
in question the final v
from the for
loop, as it would be in Python? Or does that go back to being the original v
? Pseudocode doesn't have clearly defined scoping behavior in this case! (It would be really weird if the v
at the end were to be the last, arbitrary, value of v
from the loop. That suggests that filtering is correct, because in that case, v
means the same thing all the way through.)
However, under any circumstances, the clear error in your code is here:
idx[w] = (idx[w][0], min(idx[v][1], idx[w][1]))
According to the pseudocode, that should definitely be
idx[v] = (idx[v][0], min(idx[v][1], idx[w][1]))
Once you make that change, you get the expected result. Frankly it doesn't surprise me that you made that mistake, because you're using a really weird and counterintuitive data structure. Here's what I think is an improvement -- it adds only a few more lines, and I find it to be much more readable.
import itertools
def strong_connect(vertex):
global edges, indices, lowlinks, connected_components, index, stack
indices[vertex] = index
lowlinks[vertex] = index
index += 1
for v, w in (e for e in edges if e[0] == vertex):
if indices[w] < 0:
lowlinks[v] = min(lowlinks[v], lowlinks[w])
elif w in stack:
lowlinks[v] = min(lowlinks[v], indices[w])
if indices[vertex] == lowlinks[vertex]:
while stack[-1] != vertex:
edges = [('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C'), ('C', 'D'), ('D', 'E'),
('E', 'A'), ('A', 'E'), ('C', 'A'), ('C', 'E'),
('D', 'F'), ('F', 'B'), ('E', 'F')]
vertices = set(v for v in itertools.chain(*edges))
indices = dict((v, -1) for v in vertices)
lowlinks = indices.copy()
connected_components = []
index = 0
stack = []
for v in vertices:
if indices[v] < 0:
However, I find the use of global variables here distasteful. You could hide this away in its own module, but I prefer the idea of creating a callable class. After looking more closely at Tarjan's original pseudocode, (which confirms that the "filtered" version is correct, by the way), I wrote this. It includes a simple Graph
class and does couple of basic tests:
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict
class Graph(object):
def __init__(self, edges, vertices=()):
edges = list(list(x) for x in edges)
self.edges = edges
self.vertices = set(chain(*edges)).union(vertices)
self.tails = defaultdict(list)
for head, tail in self.edges:
def from_dict(cls, edge_dict):
return cls((k, v) for k, vs in edge_dict.iteritems() for v in vs)
class _StrongCC(object):
def strong_connect(self, head):
lowlink, count, stack = self.lowlink, self.count, self.stack
lowlink[head] = count[head] = self.counter = self.counter + 1
for tail in self.graph.tails[head]:
if tail not in count:
lowlink[head] = min(lowlink[head], lowlink[tail])
elif count[tail] < count[head]:
if tail in self.stack:
lowlink[head] = min(lowlink[head], count[tail])
if lowlink[head] == count[head]:
component = []
while stack and count[stack[-1]] >= count[head]:
def __call__(self, graph):
self.graph = graph
self.counter = 0
self.count = dict()
self.lowlink = dict()
self.stack = []
self.connected_components = []
for v in self.graph.vertices:
if v not in self.count:
return self.connected_components
strongly_connected_components = _StrongCC()
if __name__ == '__main__':
edges = [('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C'), ('C', 'D'), ('D', 'E'),
('E', 'A'), ('A', 'E'), ('C', 'A'), ('C', 'E'),
('D', 'F'), ('F', 'B'), ('E', 'F')]
print strongly_connected_components(Graph(edges))
edge_dict = {'a':['b', 'c', 'd'],
'b':['c', 'a'],
'c':['d', 'e'],
print strongly_connected_components(Graph.from_dict(edge_dict))