Hadoop 0.20.2 Eclipse plugin not fully functioning - can't 'Run on Hadoop'

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-04 07:27:54

The hadoop eclipse plugin bundled with the hadoop distribution is compatible with eclipse up to version 3.3. The JIRA-ticket MAPREDUCE-1280 contains a patch for running the plugin in eclipse 3.4 and upwards.

I just compiled the patched plugin with the fixes from the JIRA-ticket MAPREDUCE-1280. The file is attached to the ticket. You can find it here.

Simply remove the old plugin from your eclipse-installation and put the new version of the plugin into the dropins-folder of your eclipse-installation.

After upgrading from an older version of the plugin you will have to start eclipse with the "-clean" command line switch. Help on eclipse command line switches can be found here.

I don't know whether the plugin has been updated or not, but as far as I know, that one is out of maintenance for several previous releases.

One of the solution is that you should download the source code and try to re-compile the jar file for that plugin (for the latest version of eclipse), however I didn't try it so don't know whether it is working.

Maybe you can try to use Karmasphere.

askswOrder is correct that the Eclipse plugin has not seen much attention for quite a long time. The JIRA you reference does provide a fix, but it's only been applied to Hadoop 20.3 and above. One option would be to try to apply the patch to 20.2 and recompile, but that's asking quite a lot from a newbie. I'd second the suggestion to use Karmasphere; it's a great product for working with MapReduce and those gents have taken on the work of staying current with Hadoop releases.
