I am trying to generate website documentation for my C# code using the NuGet package of Sandcastle in Visual Studio (EWSoftware.SHFB). The fact is that I don't know how to use it. I install it from the NuGet package manager and then I have no idea what to do with it.
I have no problem to edit my documentation project and to generate the corresponding website using the VS Sandcaslte extension installed with the default installer.
Thank you for your help.
MsBuild.exe MyDocumentationProject.shfbproj
generated the documentation. It means that the project can not be edited via VS, but it can be generated using the command line.
Beforhand, as stated at https://github.com/EWSoftware/SHFB/blob/master/NuGet/ReadMe.txt:
property must be set inMyDocumentationProject.shfbproj
to provide reflection information regarding the framework you are using.<PropertyGroup> <ComponentPath>$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\packages\EWSoftware.SHFB.NETFramework.4.6</ComponentPath> </PropertyGroup>
The SHFB environment variable must be set conditionally in
.<PropertyGroup> <SHFBROOT Condition=" '$(SHFBROOT)' == '' ">$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\packages\EWSoftware.SHFB.2015.10.10.0\Tools\</SHFBROOT> </PropertyGroup>
I created the documentation project with the Visual Studio plug-in after installing Sandcastle.
I added the following post-build event on another project when completed successfully:
IF "$(ConfigurationName)"=="Debug" Goto Exit
ECHO Building SHFB help file via MSBuild
"$(SystemRoot)\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" /p:CleanIntermediates=True /p:Configuration=Release "$(SolutionDir)Documentation\Documentation.shfbproj"
The SHFB environment variable in the project documentation file looks like this:
<!-- NOTE: Update the version number in the path (YYYY.M.D.R) to match the package version -->
<SHFBROOT Condition=" '$(SHFBROOT)' == '' ">$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\packages\EWSoftware.SHFB.2016.9.17.0\tools\</SHFBROOT>
If Sandcastle isn't installed on the system, it'll use the executables from the NuGet package. Make sure the version matches for others.
These documentation links might help for issues I forgot about: