I was wondering if there is a way to associate:
(next)p RET
(previous)c RET
(continue)C-x SPC RET (set/clear breakpoint)
with function keys F1
or other keyboard shortcuts. The idea is to emulate the keyboard shortcuts that other IDEs have for debugging (e.g. Visual Studio, MATLAB, etc.).
Is this already supported by python-mode?
Are there any Emacs modes that can be used to complement python-mode
for debugging purposes?
You always can define own key-bindings in Emacs. Firstly type C-h m to see help on mode in pdb buffer (which start by M-x pdb).
Next bind any keyboard combination:
(require 'gud) (define-key gud-mode-map '[f11] 'gud-step) (define-key gud-mode-map '[f10] 'gud-next) (define-key gud-mode-map '[f5] 'gud-cont) (define-key gud-mode-map '[f12] 'gud-break)
Read Emacs manual about build-in interface to debuger (type C-h i g (emacs) Debuggers RET) or online: