Rails doesn't convert timezone (PostgreSQL)

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-04 06:24:58

Your database is storing your timestamps in UTC (as it should). ActiveRecord is making timezone adjustments when it knows that it has a timestamp; so, when you say this:

puts Activity.first.starting_at

AR knows that starting_at is a timestamp so it instantiates the timestamp as an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instance and that class applies the timezone adjustment. But, when you say this:

select("date_trunc('day', activities.starting_at) as date ...

AR isn't going to parse the SQL to figure out that date_trunc will return a timestamp, AR doesn't even know what date_trunc means. AR will just see a string coming out of the database and it will hand it to you without interpretation. You are free to feed that string to ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone (or your favorite time handling class) yourself: there's nothing wrong with telling AR things that it does not and cannot know on its own.

Rails is clever but it isn't magic.
