This is my sample XML:
<value code="code1">value1</value>
<value code="code2">value2</value>
And this is my test query:
DECLARE @tempTable TABLE (
ValueCode nvarchar(MAX),
Value nvarchar(MAX)
select @xml = cast(c1 as xml) from OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:\test.xml', SINGLE_BLOB) as T1(c1)
INSERT INTO @tempTable
Tbl.Col.value('subelement[1]/@code', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),
Tbl.Col.value('subelement[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
FROM @xml.nodes('//element') Tbl(Col)
SELECT * FROM @tempTable
The query, when executed, gives out a row with the ValueCode column containing NULL and the Value column containing 'value1value2'. What I would like to get would be the attributes and values concatenated with a separator. For example, I need ValueCode to contain 'code1; code2' and Value to contain 'value 1; value2'. How can I achieve that?
you can use xuery if you want concatenated strings:
Tbl.Col.query('for $i in value return concat($i/text()[1], ";")').value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'),
Tbl.Col.query('for $i in value return concat($i/@code, ";")').value('.', 'nvarchar(max)')
FROM @xml.nodes('root/element/subelement') Tbl(Col);
if you want your values into rows:
Tbl.Col.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'),
Tbl.Col.value('@code', 'nvarchar(max)')
FROM @xml.nodes('root/element/subelement/value') Tbl(Col);