I have tried to resolve dependencies from local filesystem; to do so, I have wrote ivy.xml, ivyconf.xml and build.xml. However, my scripts donot work and couldnot resolve dependencies i.e. couldnot find jar files. What is the problem behind it? And, how can I solve it?
[ivy:resolve] com.google.guava#guava;17.0: configuration not found in
com.google.guava#guava;17.0: 'public'. It was required from
.. runtime
project hierarchy
| - - src
| - - lib
| - - guava.jar
| - - conf
| - - ant
| - - build.xml
| - - ivy
| - - ivy.xml
| - - ivyconf.xml
ivy.xml file
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<configurations defaultconfmapping="runtime->public">
<conf name="compile" visibility="private"/>
<conf name="jar"
<conf name="runtime"
<dependency org="com.google.guava" name="guava" rev="17.0" conf="runtime->public"/>
lastly, ivyconf.xml
<conf defaultresolver="local"/>
<filesystem name="local">
<artifact pattern="${lib.dir}/**/*.jar" />
Your ivy configuration file is invalid ("resolvers" not "resolves"). Additionally you're going to have problems with dependency versioning if the jar file does not contain a version in the filename.
My suggestion is to use the following ivy configuration file:
<settings defaultResolver='central' />
<ibiblio name='central' m2compatible='true'/>
<filesystem name='local'>
<artifact pattern='${ivy.settings.dir}/../../lib/[artifact]' />
<module organisation='NA' resolver='local' />
You'll then have a choice of declaring your dependencies as follows:
<dependency org="com.google.guava" name="guava" rev="17.0" />
<dependency org="NA" name="guava" rev="NA" conf="runtime->default"/>
The first will retrieve from the Maven central repository, the second will retrieve from your local filesystem.
See the following answers for more examples of this approach:
- IVY Build, how do I use an extlib directory in the project?
- Ivy dependency management for legacy repository
Hope this helps.
I was sure my ivy configuration was right and I still kept getting the error. I am not sure how but my IVY cache was messed up. Clearing the cache (I used rm -rf) and running the build again do it.