Setting ivy home directory in Ant

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-04 05:12:57

I added the exact line that you have specified in the sample build.xml provided in the ivy binary download and could see the artifacts downloaded in ivy2 subfolder within the samples folder.

<property name="ivy.jar.file" value="${ivy.jar.dir}/ivy.jar" />
<property name="ivy.default.ivy.user.dir" value="${basedir}/ivy2" />

I am using ivy 2.2 and ant 1.8.2. Can you check if the same works for you?

[Edit]: From the docs,

Actually all ant properties are imported into ivy variables when the configuration is done (if you call ivy from ant). This means that if you define an ant property after the call to configure, it will not be available as an ivy variable.

The environment variable ANT_OPTS allows to set jvm parameters. So you may put to your ANT_OPTS the same command line argument you invoke 'ant' shell script with. E.g. under m$ windoozer:
