std::launder and strict aliasing rule

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-04 04:53:05

The strict aliasing rule is a restriction on the type of the glvalue actually used to access an object. All that matters for the purpose of that rule are a) the actual type of the object, and b) the type of the glvalue used for the access.

The intermediate casts the pointer travels through are irrelevant, as long as they preserve the pointer value. (This goes both ways; no amount of clever casts - or laundering, for that matter - will cure a strict aliasing violation.)

f is valid as long as ptr actually points to an object of type int, assuming that it accesses that object via int_ptr without further casting.

example_1 is valid as written; the reinterpret_casts do not change the pointer value.

example_2 is invalid because it gives f a pointer that doesn't actually point to an int object (it points to the out-of-lifetime first element of the storage array). See Is there a (semantic) difference between the return value of placement new and the casted value of its operand?
