I'm using json-simple and I need to pretty-print JSON data (make it more human readable).
I haven't been able to find this functionality within that library. How is this commonly achieved?
GSON can do this in a nice way:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
JsonParser jp = new JsonParser();
JsonElement je = jp.parse(uglyJSONString);
String prettyJsonString = gson.toJson(je);
I used org.json built-in methods to pretty-print the data.
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString); // Convert text to object
System.out.println(json.toString(4)); // Print it with specified indentation
The order of fields in JSON is random per definition. A specific order is subject to parser implementation.
It seems like GSON supports this, although I don't know if you want to switch from the library you are using.
From the user guide:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
String jsonOutput = gson.toJson(someObject);
If you are using a Java API for JSON Processing (JSR-353) implementation then you can specify the JsonGenerator.PRETTY_PRINTING
property when you create a JsonGeneratorFactory
The following example has been originally published on my blog post.
import java.util.*;
import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.stream.*;
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);
properties.put(JsonGenerator.PRETTY_PRINTING, true);
JsonGeneratorFactory jgf = Json.createGeneratorFactory(properties);
JsonGenerator jg = jgf.createGenerator(System.out);
jg.writeStartObject() // {
.write("name", "Jane Doe") // "name":"Jane Doe",
.writeStartObject("address") // "address":{
.write("type", 1) // "type":1,
.write("street", "1 A Street") // "street":"1 A Street",
.writeNull("city") // "city":null,
.write("verified", false) // "verified":false
.writeEnd() // },
.writeStartArray("phone-numbers") // "phone-numbers":[
.writeStartObject() // {
.write("number", "555-1111") // "number":"555-1111",
.write("extension", "123") // "extension":"123"
.writeEnd() // },
.writeStartObject() // {
.write("number", "555-2222") // "number":"555-2222",
.writeNull("extension") // "extension":null
.writeEnd() // }
.writeEnd() // ]
.writeEnd() // }
Pretty printing with GSON in one line:
System.out.println(new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(new JsonParser().parse(jsonString)));
Besides inlining, this is equivalent to the accepted answer.
My situation is my project uses a legacy (non-JSR) JSON parser that does not support pretty printing. However, I needed to produce pretty-printed JSON samples; this is possible without having to add any extra libraries as long as you are using Java 7 and above:
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine scriptEngine = manager.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
scriptEngine.put("jsonString", jsonStringNoWhitespace);
scriptEngine.eval("result = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(jsonString), null, 2)");
String prettyPrintedJson = (String) scriptEngine.get("result");
With Jackson (com.fasterxml.jackson.core
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
From: How to enable pretty print JSON output (Jackson)
I know this is already in the answers, but I want to write it separately here because chances are, you already have Jackson as a dependency and so all you will need would be an extra line of code
In one line:
String niceFormattedJson = JsonWriter.formatJson(jsonString)
The json-io libray (https://github.com/jdereg/json-io) is a small (75K) library with no other dependencies than the JDK.
In addition to pretty-printing JSON, you can serialize Java objects (entire Java object graphs with cycles) to JSON, as well as read them in.
In JSONLib you can use this:
String jsonTxt = JSONUtils.valueToString(json, 8, 4);
From the Javadoc:
Most of the existing answers either depend on some external library, or requiring a special Java version. Here is a simple code to pretty print a JSON string, only using general Java APIs (available in Java 7 for higher; haven't tried older version although).
The basic idea is to tigger the formatting based on special characters in JSON. For example, if a '{' or '[' is observed, the code will create a new line and increase the indent level.
Disclaimer: I only tested this for some simple JSON cases (basic key-value pair, list, nested JSON) so it may need some work for more general JSON text, like string value with quotes inside, or special characters (\n, \t etc.).
* A simple implementation to pretty-print JSON file.
* @param unformattedJsonString
* @return
public static String prettyPrintJSON(String unformattedJsonString) {
StringBuilder prettyJSONBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int indentLevel = 0;
boolean inQuote = false;
for(char charFromUnformattedJson : unformattedJsonString.toCharArray()) {
switch(charFromUnformattedJson) {
case '"':
// switch the quoting status
inQuote = !inQuote;
case ' ':
// For space: ignore the space if it is not being quoted.
if(inQuote) {
case '{':
case '[':
// Starting a new block: increase the indent level
appendIndentedNewLine(indentLevel, prettyJSONBuilder);
case '}':
case ']':
// Ending a new block; decrese the indent level
appendIndentedNewLine(indentLevel, prettyJSONBuilder);
case ',':
// Ending a json item; create a new line after
if(!inQuote) {
appendIndentedNewLine(indentLevel, prettyJSONBuilder);
return prettyJSONBuilder.toString();
* Print a new line with indention at the beginning of the new line.
* @param indentLevel
* @param stringBuilder
private static void appendIndentedNewLine(int indentLevel, StringBuilder stringBuilder) {
for(int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++) {
// Assuming indention using 2 spaces
stringBuilder.append(" ");
Now this can be achieved with the JSONLib library:
If (and only if) you use the overloaded toString(int indentationFactor)
method and not the standard toString()
I have verified this on the following version of the API:
Following the JSON-P 1.0 specs (JSR-353) a more current solution for a given JsonStructure
or JsonArray
) could look like this:
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.JsonStructure;
import javax.json.JsonWriter;
import javax.json.JsonWriterFactory;
import javax.json.stream.JsonGenerator;
public class PrettyJson {
private static JsonWriterFactory FACTORY_INSTANCE;
public static String toString(final JsonStructure status) {
final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
final JsonWriter jsonWriter = getPrettyJsonWriterFactory()
return stringWriter.toString();
private static JsonWriterFactory getPrettyJsonWriterFactory() {
if (null == FACTORY_INSTANCE) {
final Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>(1);
properties.put(JsonGenerator.PRETTY_PRINTING, true);
FACTORY_INSTANCE = Json.createWriterFactory(properties);
You can use Gson like below
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
String jsonString = gson.toJson(object);
From the post JSON pretty print using Gson
Alternatively, You can use Jackson like below
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String perttyStr = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(object);
From the post Pretty print JSON in Java (Jackson)
Hope this help!
This worked for me, using Jackson:
Underscore-java has static method U.formatJson(json). I am the maintainer of the project. Live example
import com.github.underscore.lodash.U;
public class MyClass {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String json = "{\"Price\": {"
+ " \"LineItems\": {"
+ " \"LineItem\": {"
+ " \"UnitOfMeasure\": \"EACH\", \"Quantity\": 2, \"ItemID\": \"ItemID\""
+ " }"
+ " },"
+ " \"Currency\": \"USD\","
+ " \"EnterpriseCode\": \"EnterpriseCode\""
+ "}}";
"Price": {
"LineItems": {
"LineItem": {
"UnitOfMeasure": "EACH",
"Quantity": 2,
"ItemID": "ItemID"
"Currency": "USD",
"EnterpriseCode": "EnterpriseCode"