I am running the following docker image jenkinsci/jenkins:2.0-rc-1
to try out jenkins 2.0, and the "pipeline" view.
I can't seem to install node. Here's my pipeline script:
node {
//tool([name: 'node-5.10.1', type: 'jenkins.plugins.nodejs.tools.NodeJSInstallation'])
sh 'echo $(whoami)'
sh 'node -v'
The response when this runs is:
[ci] Running shell script
+ whoami
+ echo jenkins
[Pipeline] sh
[ci] Running shell script
+ node -v
/../durable-3b0b1b07/script.sh: 2: /../durable-3b0b1b07/script.sh: node: not found
Here's what i've tried:
the jenkins NodeJS tool (which works correctly when used with a freestyle job)
logging into the docker container and installing node manually, for the same user:
Building on Jesse Glick's answer below, i added the result to my scripts PATH
node {
def nodeHome = tool name: 'node-5.10.1', type: 'jenkins.plugins.nodejs.tools.NodeJSInstallation'
env.PATH = "${nodeHome}/bin:${env.PATH}"
sh 'npm install'
node {
withEnv(["PATH+NODE=${tool name: 'node-5.10.1', type: 'jenkins.plugins.nodejs.tools.NodeJSInstallation'}/bin"]) {
sh 'node -v'
node {
def nodeHome = tool name: 'node-5.10.1', type: 'jenkins.plugins.nodejs.tools.NodeJSInstallation'
sh "${nodeHome}/bin/node -v"
should work. See JENKINS-28718 for further proposals.
By the way you can omit the type
parameter and just use
tool 'node-5.10.1'
for brevity.
For me work next code:
def nodeHome = tool 'nodejs5'
sh 'npm install'
nodejs5 is the name of the tool specified in Jenkins configuration.
If anyone happens to deal with this issue on Jenkins running on Windows. Do the following:
def nodeHome = tool 'Node.js 6.9.5'
bat "\"${nodeHome}\"\\node.exe -v"
bat "\"${nodeHome}\"\\npm -v"